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Group tax strategy

Tax Strategy statement Year ended 31 March 2024

Introduction This strategy applies to Radius Business Solutions Topco Limited (“Topco”) and the group of companies it is the parent company of (the “Radius Group”).

The Radius Group is committed to complying with tax laws in a responsible manner and to having open and constructive relationships with tax authorities based on the principles of mutual transparency and trust.

The Radius Group’s tax strategy is based around the following priorities:

  1. A commitment to integrity.
  2. The need to control and manage risks to the business.
  3. Openness and transparency.

Tax Planning and Compliance The Radius Group’s appetite for tax risk is low.  The Radius Group does not undertake transactions in a way which would produce tax results that are inconsistent with the underlying economic and commercial consequences unless specific tax legislation exists which is designed to give that result.

The Radius Group aims to be compliant with all applicable tax laws, rules, and regulations, without exception and to pay the right taxes at the right time. This must be done in a way which meets the Radius Group overall business strategy and due consideration will always be given to the Radius Group’s reputation, brand, corporate and social responsibilities.

We conduct transactions between Radius Group companies on an arm’s length basis in accordance with OECD principles.

Tax Management and Governance The Board of Directors of Topco (the “Board”) is responsible for risk management and manages its tax risks across the group. The Radius Group continues to develop its approach to a holistic risk and governance framework.  Once implemented, it will be is subject to regular monitoring to ensure it is robust and effective.

The Board oversees the Radius Group’s tax affairs, and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for ensuring that appropriate policies, processes, and systems are in place and that the team responsible for tax compliance have the required skills and external professional support to comply with this approach. The Radius Group’s Director of Tax is responsible for the day-to-day tax work, tax strategy implementation and tax risk management.

The Radius Group aims for certainty on the tax positions it adopts, but where there is uncertainty as to the application or interpretation of tax law, written advice or confirmation will be sought as appropriate to support the decision-making process by evidencing the facts, risks, and conclusions.

Relationships with Tax Authorities The Radius Group seeks an open, transparent, and professional working relationship with HMRC and other tax authorities in countries where it operates.  We endeavour to take a proactive approach in all tax matters. Where errors or omissions are identified, we will disclose these to the relevant tax authorities and take remedial action (including putting in place controls to prevent recurrence) as quickly as practicable.  We will also engage in proactive discussions with the relevant tax authority to bring matters to a reasonable conclusion as equitably as possible.

The Radius Group seeks to have regular contact with our Customer Compliance Manager at HMRC to proactively update them with key developments.

The Radius Group regards this statement as satisfying the requirements of Schedule 19 Part 2 of Finance Act 2016.