Supporting customers

At Radius, we're focused on delivering a positive customer experience at every step of the journey.

Learn more about the changes we've made, how to contact our team to get the support you need, and access self-serve and training resources.

fuel customer service

Investing in Customer Experience

Over recent months, we have invested heavily in the experience we deliver to our customers.

We've transitioned to a new best-in-class CRM and customer service system, to respond faster and more effectively when customers need support. We've also invested in our people, expanding the team and restructuring the way we work to ensure excellent first line support, technical support, and access to a team of account managers.

Our focus is on first-call-resolution - ensuring we can deal with any enquiry or question, first-time.

Find below details on the best ways to contact our team, as well how customers can self-serve through our platforms and by accessing new training and product guidance content.

Watch the video to hear from Ben Thompson, Group Operators Director, and Jen Simpson, Head of Customer Service, to learn more about the investments and changes we've made.

Contact the team

We are committed to continually improving our customer service by listening to your feedback and adapting to your needs. Our goal is to ensure that every interaction with us is seamless, supportive, and satisfactory.

Enhance support channels

Personalised service

Expanded knowledge base

Investment in training and development

Self-service on Radius Velocity

Radius Velocity gives you access to a wide range of features and services at your convenience.

Among the most popular requests, you can easily order additional devices, view and download invoices, update your account information, and add new users.

For detailed instructions, you'll find how-to guides within your dashboard to help you navigate these tasks smoothly.

Submit your request

Report a problem


Request additional devices

Request training

Two people sitting down at a table having a business meeting while looking at a laptop

Invoice query

Remove a device

Live chat



Training & how-to guides

Unlock the full potential of our telematics software with our comprehensive how-to videos. Whether you’re configuring geofencing, optimising route planning, or analysing driver behaviour, these tutorials guide you step-by-step.

Enhance your operations, streamline workflows, and maximise efficiency. Empower your team to harness the software effectively and drive success.