Business energy complaints policy

Our Complaints Process

Powerhouse Energy Management are committed to providing a quality service to all our customers.

If you feel our standard of service is not as expected, please let us know.

How to get in touch:

You can contact us via web form, telephone or email.

UK: +44 2892 444 966

Ireland: +353 1903 9042


Web form: Complete the form here.

To enable our complaints team to investigate and resolve your complaint effectively, please remember to provide us with your name, business name and address, telephone number, e-mail address and information regarding to your complaint.

We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days and aim to resolve the matter within 14 working days. However, it is possible there are some instances where this could take longer. If this is the case, we will keep you updated with the development of your complaint and when it is likely to be resolved.